
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Stories of 2015: the heroism of a Greek soldier who pulled refugees from the sea

Image of Antonis Deligiorgis rescuing Wegasi Nebiat was one of the most striking illustrations of valour in the crisis unfolding on Europe’s southern shores * HELP REFUGEES BY DONATING TO THE GUARDIAN AND OBSERVER APPEAL When Antonis Deligiorgis looks back on the day he became a hero, his emotions are mixed. Even now, he admits, he has more questions than answers. “Why is it happening?” he asks of Europe’s migrant crisis. “Why can’t we stop it and where is it going to end? That is what I keep wondering because that is what we see every night on TV. A constant stream of people, desperate people, babies, children, coming in.” Hero is not a word that the 34-year-old Greek army sergeant naturally embraces. There are, he says, so many heroes, unsung ones, who in the unfolding drama of Europe’s great refugee emergency save lives every day. And yet the image of Deligiorgis rescuing Wegasi Nebiat, an Eritrean refugee, from the wind-whipped waters off Rhodes, has been singled out as a particularly striking illustration of valour. Continue reading...