
Sunday, November 1, 2015

News of the Day From Across the Globe, Nov. 1

Several hundred right-wing supporters rallied Saturday in Austria against asylum-seekers who have been streaming into the country in search of a better life in Western Europe. Demonstrators marched toward a refugee camp holding banners reading “No Way” or You will not make Europe your home. Newly freed Guantanamo Bay prisoner Shaker Aamer wants an inquiry to examine whether British officials played a role in his treatment. The oil-rich Caspian Sea nation of Azerbaijan is set to hold a parliamentary election amid criticism from rights groups, which accuse authorities of limiting free speech. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is refusing to monitor Sunday’s vote after Azerbaijani authorities demanded that it sharply cut the number of observers it planned to send. The parliamentary race features 767 candidates competing for seats in the 125-member parliament. The Italian government has chosen Milan’s top security official to run corruption-plagued Rome after its mayor reluctantly stepped down. The figure announced Saturday is the result of an ECB review of Greece’s four main banks after an agreement on the troubled country’s third bailout: $94.6 billion from eurozone governments in August.