
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Hiding in plain sight: inside the world of Turkey's people smugglers

Thousands of refugees are continuing to board boats to Europe everyday despite the worsening winter weather At Emre’s boat shop in central Izmir, one of Turkey’s major ports, you can’t turn around without bumping into a pile of inflatable rubber boats. On this day there are 16 stacked in beige boxes, all numbered with the same inscrutable code, SK-800PLY, and all newly delivered from China. If Emre’s maths is right, all of them will be discarded on a Greek beach within a couple of days. For Emre’s shop is where you can buy boats that take refugees to Europe – and where they are still being sold at a rate of nearly a dozen a day. “In the summer we were selling more,” Emre tells a potential Syrian customer. “But right now we’re still selling six of the cheaper boats every day, and five of the more expensive ones. How many do you want?” Continue reading...