
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Gordon Brown: My tax credits are a lifeline. Osborne is wrong to slash them

Instead of escaping poverty, millions of working parents and their children will struggle – even if the minimum wage is raised Fiction can become fact; the constant lie can become accepted and incontrovertible truth. So it was with Tory claims that Labour had brought Britain close to being another Greece. Now it is happening again on Europe. And the most insidious myth, increasingly pervasive, is that the poor are workshy, scrounging out chaotic lives in a nation where strivers are paying their taxes for skivers. In a recent poll British people thought 40% of the welfare state budget went to those registered unemployed: the true figure is 1.5%. Related: Tax credits cuts 'will leave key workers up to £12,000 poorer by 2020' Continue reading...