
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

EU's deep dilemmas over refugees laid bare at Malta summit

Luxembourg has resettled the first of over 600,000 people to arrive in Greece, but policy divisions are ever widening The Aegean Airlines flight left Athens for Brussels at 8.30am last Wednesday, carrying six Syrian and Iraqi families to new lives in Luxembourg. On arrival, the 30 refugees were taken on a two-hour bus trip to the grand duchy to have their paperwork processed. It was undoubtedly a big moment, not only for the men, women and children who made the short but treacherous crossing from Turkey to the Greek islands. Of the more than 600,000 people who have crossed into the EU by reaching Greece this year, these were the first to be registered, fingerprinted and then resettled elsewhere in Europe under the EU’s ambitious, if flagging, plan to use compulsory quotas to share 160,000 refugees. Continue reading...