
Monday, October 19, 2015

The Latest: Slovenia denounces Croatia for migrant surge

Slovenia's interior minister has lashed out at Croatia for transporting large groups of migrants to their border, saying it is "absolutely unacceptable." Authorities in the German city of Dresden are stepping up security precautions for the anniversary rally of PEGIDA, a group that has drawn thousands to its weekly gatherings against Islam and migrants. Germany's interior minister says the domestic intelligence service is now observing PEGIDA and called its leaders "hard far-right extremists." Thomas de Maiziere told public broadcaster ARD late Sunday that groups such as PEGIDA were paving the way for violence, citing a weekend knife attack on a politician in Cologne. Greece's coast guard says it has rescued 2,561 people in dozens of incidents in the eastern Aegean over the weekend as Europe's refugee crisis continues unabated. On Sunday, the bodies of two women, a baby and a teenager were recovered near the remote island of Kastelorizo after their vessel overturned, while 12 others were rescued by a passing sailing boat. Austrian officials are denying reports that they are restricting entries from Slovenia to migrants seeking asylum in Western Europe. Croatian police were deployed with metal barriers Monday on the usual migrant passage in an attempt to control the influx of people. Passenger train service between France and England has been suspended after migrants rushed the French terminal in hopes of reaching a better life in Britain. The trains that cross beneath the Channel face increasingly frequent delays as more migrants take their chances on the tracks that link the two countries, with many each night trying to stow away on the trucks and cars loading on the freight train.