
Monday, October 26, 2015

The Latest: Refugees sleeping outside in Austria in cold

BERLIN (AP) — The latest on the stream of people crossing Europe in search of safety or a better life. All times local. 10:05 a.m. Greek authorities say two more refugees or other migrants have drowned in two separate incidents as thousands of people continue to cross over from Turkey in frail boats seeking a better life in Europe. The coast guard said one man was found dead on the eastern Aegean Sea island of Chios early Monday. Further north, on the island of Lesbos where most migrants head for, a woman drowned and a further 40 people were rescued from an inflatable dinghy that ran into trouble off the coast. Three migrants drowned off Lesbos on Sunday, while seven remain missing. More than 500,000 migrants have entered Greece so far by sea from Turkey, and more than 120 have drowned. Over the weekend, coast guards rescued 460 migrants in the Aegean. Thousands more safely reached shore. ___ 9:50 a.m. Austrian officials say thousands of refugees and other migrants have spent the night outdoors in cold fall weather as authorities struggle to keep up with the steady flow. Austrian broadcaster ORF reported Monday that facilities for migrants along the border with Germany are already full, and Germany has been permitting fewer to cross because its own tents and buildings are also overflowing. ORF reports some 2,500 people had to sleep outside overnight near the border town of Achleiten; 700 close to Braunau; and 300 more near Kollerschlag. Austrian authorities are working to build more temporary shelters, but a large tent being erected is expected to be available only on Tuesday. Join the conversation about this story »