
Monday, October 26, 2015

The 10 most important things in the world right now

Good morning! Here's what you need to know on Monday. 1. POLAND'S RIGHT-WING LAW AND JUSTICE PARTY, led by eurosceptic Jaroslaw Kaczynski, won an absolute majority in Sunday's general election. 2. AT LEAST 4 PEOPLE ARE DEAD AFTER A WHALE-WATCHING TOUR BOAT CARRYING 27 PASSENGERS SANK off the coast of British Columbia. 3. ARGENTINA'S PRESIDENTIAL RACE IS HEADED FOR A RUNOFF ON NOVEMBER 22, after neither of the leading candidates to succeed Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner got enough votes to win the election. 4. FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER TONY BLAIR TOLD CNN IN AN INTERVIEW THAT ARE "ELEMENTS OF TRUTH" TO THE ARGUMENT THAT THE IRAQ WAR HELPED GIVE RISE TO THE ISLAMIC STATE GROUP, but he still does not regret the removal of Saddam Hussein. 5. EUROPEAN UNION AND BALKAN LEADERS AGREED ON A PLAN TO MANAGE FLOWS OF MIGRANTS through the Balkan peninsula, including setting up 100,000 places in reception centers along the route from Greece toward Germany. 6. JIMMY MORALES, A COMEDIAN WITH NO PREVIOUS POLITICAL EXPERIENCE, WON GUATEMALA'S PRESIDENTIAL RACE in a runoff with former first lady Sandra Torres. 7. RUSSIAN SUBMARINES AND SPY SHIPS OPERATING NEAR UNDERSEA CABLES CARRYING MOST GLOBAL INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS has US officials concerned that Russia could be planning to sever the lines in periods of conflict, The New York Times reported. 8. CHINA'S COMMUNIST LEADERS KICKED OFF A FOUR-DAY MEETING ON MONDAY to develop the country's Five-Year Plan. 9. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND IN SOUTH AFRICA'S JOHANNESBURG, where student protests against tuition increases started nearly two weeks ago before spreading to other campuses, will stay closed on Monday as demonstrations continue. 10. GERMAN POLICE IN COLOGNE USED WATER CANNONS TO BREAK UP FIGHTS BETWEEN THOUSANDS OF LEFT-WING RADICALS and hundreds of supporters of the xenophobic "Hooligans Against Salafists" group, which wants to keep migrants out of Germany. AND FINALLY ... IT LOOKS LIKE AARON SORKIN'S NEW STEVE JOBS MOVIE IS A FLOP. Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: FanDuel cofounder on 'insider trading' controversy: 'There was no wrongdoing'