
Monday, September 21, 2015

The EU’s woeful response to the refugee crisis has revived Golden Dawn

The gains of the Greek neo-Nazi party in the recent election are emblematic of how the far-right across Europe is exploiting the deficit of leadership on this issue In the port town of Mytilene, the weight of the refugee crisis faced by Lesbos and other Greek islands becomes painfully obvious. Despite the fact that only about 5,000 people remain (out of the 20,000 who were stuck here in previous weeks), there’s hardly an inch of public space in which tired bodies escaping war and poverty aren’t present under the scorching sun. Taking advantage of the visibility and scale of the problem, Lesbos became one of the main targets for the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party, as it sought to strengthen its influence in the run up to yesterday’s elections. Unfortunately, it seems that it has worked. Related: The lenders are the real winners in Greece – Alexis Tsipras has been set up to fail | Yanis Varoufakis Continue reading...