
Saturday, September 12, 2015

SYRIZA Leads by Slim Margin in Polls as Greece's Snap Vote Draws Near

Leftist SYRIZA party is leading by a thin margin ahead of its conservative rival New Democracy a week before the snap elections in Greece, the latest opinion polls conducted on September 11 have shown. A poll conducted by the University of Macedonia for Skai TV and Kathimerini showed 28.5% support for SYRIZA versus 27.5% for New Democracy. Compared to the data gathered by the same pollster a week earlier, SYRIZA has increased its support by 1.5 percentage points and New Democracy by half a point. A GPO poll showed SYRIZA leading with 26%, just 0.2 points ahead of New Democracy. Two other polls also put the party of former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras ahead, with a survey by Metron showing 31.7% support for SYRIZA and 31.3% for New Democracy, while a ProRata poll in left-leaning daily newspaper Efimerida ton Syndakton gave SYRIZA 28.5% support versus 23.5% for the conservatives. Tsipras resigned last month to force early elections in an attempt to quash a rebellion in SYRIZA ranks over the terms of Greece's new bailout deal with international creditors and capitalize on his popularity to win outright majority in parliament.