
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Refugee crisis: less recrimination and more concerted action needed

ANALYSIS: Britain’s ungenerous mood in 2015 reflects decades of immigration but we can’t let frontline Greece and Italy to go on carrying the can We have all been taught that one picture can be worth a thousand words. So the poignant photograph of a Turkish policeman carrying the tiny body of a drowned Syrian refugee up a beach has made a huge media impact in the past few hours, including the front pages of British newspapers better known for migrant bashing those. But will this tragedy in miniature off Bodrum actually do any good beyond making readers and viewers uncomfortable for a few minutes? Is it just a sentimental twitch by tabloids which will be back to “We Can’t Cope with This Tide” headlines by the end of this week? Or, in the case of Thursday’s Daily Mail, on the next page? Continue reading...