
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Refugee crisis: clashes on Greek island of Lesbos – live updates

* Extra police and UN boats deployed to Lesbos * Ban Ki-moon urges EU leaders to offer protection * Hundreds of people march on Budapest after border break 9.38am BST European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker is meeting officials in Strasbourg to finalise a quota plan to resettle refugees across Europe. Juncker is expected to announce on Wednesday how 160,000 people will be helped under the plan, but there have been calls for the EU to go further. Under the quotas, Germany had been expected to take more than 31,000 refugees, but a report in the German paper Die Welt, suggests Germany will be asked to accept 39,400 under the scheme. Verteilungsschlüssel: So will die EU-Kommission Flüchtlinge verteilen. Commission`s proposal to give shelter to 160K #refugees doesn't even represent 0,3 % of our population. And we can't cope with that ? 9.13am BST The governor of Finland’s central bank has pledged to donate a month’s salary, or €10,000, to help the Finnish Red Cross cope with migration crisis. In a Facebook post Erkki Liikanen urged individuals to do what they could to help. Explaining his donation he said: “I know that the money will get through to those suffering the greatest distress.” 8.56am BST The pope has again urged every parish and religious community to host a refugee family. A tweet, issued by the Vatican in several languages, echoed a call the pope made on Sunday. May every parish and religious community in Europe host a refugee family. #Jubilee #refugeeswelcome 8.47am BST Hungary’s anti-immigration prime minister, Viktor Orban, says he wants to speed up construction of a fence meant to stop migrants on the southern border with Serbia, AP reports. Orban was quoted in the pro-government Magyar Idok (Hungarian Times) daily newspaper as saying that he was persuaded of the need for more workers on the fence being built by the Hungarian army after an unannounced inspection of the barrier on Monday with his chief of staff, Janos Lazar. Hungary initially said that a 4-meter (13-feet) high fence would be built on the 174-kilometer (109-mile) border with Serbia by the end of November, but in July Orban called for it to be completed by the end of August. #Hungary starts information campaign along #migration route with this flyer #refugeescrisis An estimated 5000 people crossed into Serbia from Macedonia on Monday. 2706 crossed into Hungary yesterday, 660 of them children. 8.07am BST Welcome to our continuing coverage of the refugee crisis across Europe. We’ll start with a summary of the latest flash points and differing responses to the crisis: Continue reading...