
Thursday, September 17, 2015

EU Leaders to Hold Emergency Summit on Migration Sept. 23

European Council President Donald Tusk has summoned EU leaders to an extraordinary summit next Wednesday to discuss migration and a proposed scheme to redistribute 120,000 asylum seekers across the 28-nation bloc. European Council President Donald Tusk said in a tweet on Thursday the summit will be held from 6 p.m. CET.  The European Parliament on Thursday gave the green light to a proposal put forward by the EU Commission under which 120,000 migrants are be relocated from Greece, Italy, and Hungary to other EU member states. On Monday, EU interior ministers failed to agree on a mandatory quota scheme for distribution of migrants across Europe. Ministers are due to discuss again the quota scheme next Tuesday, a day before the EU summit. Several countries, mainly in eastern Europe, remain opposed to the plan unveiled last week by EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, because it would impose mandatory quotas for the acceptance of asylum-seekers.