
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Theresa May Says Calais Migrants Chaos Is Down To 'Global Migration Crisis'

Source: - Sunday, August 02, 2015 The chaotic scenes of migrants desperately trying to get into Britain though the channel tunnel are being caused by a "global migration crisis," Theresa May has said. In a joint article for the Sunday Telegraph , the home secretary and her French counterpart Bernard Cazeneuve called on other EU nations to take action. It comes as a raft of security improvements around the tunnel were agreed including extra private security guards, French police reinforcements, additional fences and more CCTV surveillance. Migrants climb through a fence on to the tracks near the Eurotunnel site at Coquelles in Calais "We are both clear: tackling this situation is the top priority for the UK and French governments. We are committed and determined to solve this, and to solve it together," Mrs May and Mr Cazeneuve wrote. "What we are currently facing is a global migration crisis. This situation cannot be seen as an issue just for our two countries. "It is a priority at both a European and international level. Many of those in Calais and attempting to cross the Channel have made their way there through Italy, Greece or other countries. "That is why we are pushing other member states, and the whole of the EU, to address this problem at root." They suggested that the long-term solution to the problem would be to persuade would-be migrants hoping for a better life in Europe that "our streets are not paved with gold". The extra security measures were agreAll Related