
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Step aboard the Helios, an award-winning yacht with a secret in its sails

Helios is the personification of the sun in Greek mythology.  And there's no more appropriate name than that for a boat that harnesses the suns to power itself. With its hybrid diesel-electric motor capable of using both to move itself, the Helios could represent a new future for personal watercraft. Up to 355 kWh of energy can be stored in the ship's batteries. Though it's a hybrid, it doesn't sacrifice luxury. There's plenty of space to take all of your friends aboard to marvel at the boat's advanced solar sail technology. The vessel was masterminded by Ferrari Franchi Design, which was named Young Designer of the Year 2015 by Boat International Media for the de.SEE ALSO: The race to build a $1 billion yacht DON'T FORGET: Follow Business Insider's lifestyle page on Facebook! Helios is unlike any other yacht. It's a 55-foot sailboat powered by the diesel-electric motor. The large black sails dominating the boat's presence aren't just for show... ...they're actually made of flexible silicone solar cells (2,500 in all) that absorb the sun's rays to help power the boat. See the rest of the story at Business Insider NOW WATCH: Animated map renames states for countries with similar GDPs