
Friday, August 14, 2015

Kos migrants: 'They said they'd give us papers, then locked us in like a prison'

After being held in a stadium on the Greek island, refugees tell of their ordeal – as immigration officials bemoan Kos mayor’s alleged lack of cooperation“Water,” said the Syrian banker, who holds an accounting degree and an MBA. “All I want is water.” It was 2am on Thursday morning and Youssef, a 29-year-old refugee, was on a dark residential side street on the Greek island of Kos, having just been released from a tiny stadium.Youssef had been trapped on its sandy pitch, sandwiched between its few shallow stands, for most of the previous day by the island’s authorities. At one point, he’d had more than 2,000 fellow Syrians for company, and for much of the time officials had provided them with no water or food, nor opened any toilets. Related: Greek island refugee crisis: local people and tourists rally round migrants Related: 10 truths about Europe’s migrant crisis Continue reading...