
Friday, August 28, 2015

Guardian Labour leadership hustings

Rolling coverage of the Guardian’s Labour leadership hustings 9.40pm BST If the object of the exercise was to impress the Guardian panel, all four Labour leadership candidates failed. (See 8.35pm.) We’ve had more than 20 hustings now and what was good about this one was that it involved particularly detailed questioning. All candidates, but particularly the favourite, Jeremy Corbyn, were pressed hard on how they would persuade the electorate to back their positions on the economy, welfare and immigration when at the election voters very clearly rejected Labour’s stance on these issues. This line of questioning reflects the argument from James Morris, Labour’s pollster under Ed Miliband, in this analysis of the reason’s for Labour’s defeat.Why Labour lost, what it needs to do to win. Warning: contains *evidence* by @JamesDMorrisThis is the first [leadership election] where the role of the parliamentary party is minimal. It does mean the whole dynamic of the Labour party has changed because it means that whoever is elected leader will have a mandate from a very large membership and it does mean we need to change the way we make policy. I don’t think we can go on having policy made by the leader/shadow cabinet/PLP, it’s got to go much wider. Party members need to be more enfranchised ... We’re living in a society where people communicate with people very quickly and very easily. They can push forward. I think we need to catch up as a party as party and political system with the speed of process ... That means a big change with the way Labour party does things.I think we have to be very wary of what Cameron is doing, why we’re having the referendum at all and what he’s trying to negotiate because Europe is changing a great deal. It’s changed since Maastricht into much more of a market Europe than a social Europe, or a welfare europe. While we’re not in the euro zone, the European central bank has behaved in an incredibly brutal way towards the people of Greece and indeed is about to do the same, I suspect, to other countries. I think we should be in the debate demanding much greater levels of social protection across Europe. Trying to end the race to the bottom on corporate tax in Europe, end the tax evasion that is systematic across Europe.At the present time, no, I don’t see that. But I do see that Europe is changing very fast and it is not changing in a good direction ... We’re just saying Europe fine, Europe yes. It doesn’t matter what they do. We’ve got to be much tougher about what kind of Europe we want to live in. 8.56pm BST The Twitter commentariat have spoken and delivered their verdicts on the Guardian Labour leadership hustings. Here’s an overview:Burnham, Cooper and Corbyn strong, Kendall still seems in the wrong party. Corbyn the strongest. #guardianliveOverheard at #guardianlive Labour leadership hustings: "I enjoyed it. I think I still think pretty much the same about them all though"Just watched #guardianlive Corbyn was himself, while the other 3 performed. Kendall especially was cringeworthy... #labourleadershipWhy has Liz not stood down? She was so weak IMO #guardianliveSo, what have I learnt tonight? The Labour Party is about to massively shoot itself in the foot. #GuardianLive#guardianlive Burnham offensive to SNP. Tomorrow he'll be saying how wonderful they are.Agreement amongst panel that UC which incentivises DWP staff to punish people on benefits is wrong! Apart from Liz, of course #guardianlive#GuardianLive. John Harris says tenor of debate has changed, more Fire and brimstone" and that is down to JCRegardless of #labourleadership result @YvetteCooperMP shouldn't have a hard time getting Haribo sponsorship after this #guardianliveFantastic Hustings tonight. Real passion & good ideas. Renewing my faith in @Labourparty #guardianlive @Corbyn4Leader Cool Calm & Collected#GuardianLive Wow, Corbyn started the race for the Labour leadership in May at 900/1… if only I was a betting man!Congratulations to John Harris for winning the #guardianlive @UKLabour Leadership hustings.I'd say the #GuardianLive #LabourLeadership hustings was most probably the best one we've seen yet! There was plenty of time to ask many qs Continue reading...