
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A look at the latest developments in Europe's migrant crisis

Record numbers of migrants from countries like Syria and Eritrea are trying to reach Europe, despite the risks from perilous sea crossings and the inability of countries to provide adequate humanitarian assistance. Here are the latest developments Tuesday:___TURKEY: At least five migrants drowned off Turkey's coast while trying to reach islands in Greece. The bodies were unloaded in the western tourist town of Bodrum. About 20 others were rescued and taken to a harbor in the nearby town of Turgutreis.In another rescue operation, a Doctors Without Borders medical team heading for the Greek island of Leros happened upon a boat carrying 40 migrants, some of whom were in the sea. It picked them up and took them to the Greek island of Kos.It is unclear how many migrants may have died between Bodrum and Kos, which is only four kilometers (2.5 miles) from Turkey at its closest point, making it one of the shortest routes across the Aegean Sea.___HUMANITARIAN AID: The German Red Cross says it will distribute hygiene kits to migrants to try to prevent disease from spreading as they arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos.The aid organization said that starting in mid-September it will hand out more than 19,000 kits, including a two-month supply of toothpaste, soap, laundry detergent, baby-care products and diapers.The head of the German Red Cross, Rudolf Seiters, called the situation on Lesbos desolate and said many of the migrants are weakened, have to sleep on the floor and have no access to medical care.___STATISTICS: Greece's coast guard says it rescued 576 migrants in 23 search and rescue operations off the coasts of Lesbos, Chios, Samos, Agathonisi and Kos in the 24 hours from Monday to Tuesday morning. Greece has reported more than 135,000 arrivals from Turkey this year.Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said over the weekend that as of Saturday, 103,000 migrants had been rescued at sea and brought to Italy in operations coordinated by the Italian coast guard. Along with other migrants landing in Spain and Malta, that means more than 243,000 people have crossed so far this year, compared to 219,000 for all of 2014.The International Organization for Migration estimates that at least 2,300 people have died this year trying to cross to Europe.Join the conversation about this story »