
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Without Europe's generosity, Greece's museums are ancient history

It’s not all fiscal cruelty and threats of abandonment; political posturing aside, the EU and Greece know they are too dependent to split Related: Greek crisis: Tsipras returns to Athens to gather support for bailout deal - live It comes as no surprise that Greek museums have been threatened with closure in this summer’s mounting crisis. The Art Newspaper reports that museum directors feared last week their institutions would soon have to shut their doors. As the banking system itself has been on the brink of collapse this is only to be expected – but it would add yet more pain in an economy that needs to keep tourists coming. People don’t only visit Greece for its blue sea and idyllic beaches. This is one of the world’s richest and most rewarding cultural destinations. If you have never seen the Parthenon or Mycenae or Delphi, planning a trip to these unmissable monuments of world history and art is one good way to support Greece. And don’t worry – they are still open for business. Continue reading...