
Friday, July 17, 2015

Why is Germany so tough on Greece? Look back 25 years

To understand Wolfgang Schäuble’s demands in the bailout talks, look at what he inflicted on his own country when it reunifiedEvery drama needs a great baddie, and in the latest act of the Greek crisis Wolfgang Schäuble, the 72-year-old German finance minister, has emerged as the standout villain: critics see him as a ruthless technocrat who strong-armed an entire country and now plans to strip it of its assets. One part of the bailout deal in particular has scandalised many Europeans: the proposed creation of a fund designated to cherrypick €50bn (£35bn) worth of Greek public assets and privatise them to pay the country’s debts. But the key to understanding Germany’s strategy is that for Schäuble there is nothing new about any of this.It was 25 years ago, during the summer of 1990, that Schäuble led the West German delegation negotiating the terms of the unification with formerly communist East Germany. A doctor of law, he was West Germany’s interior minister and one of Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s closest advisers, the go-to guy whenever things got tricky. Related: Greece’s debt can be written off –whatever Wolfgang Schäuble says | Philip Inman What the Treuhand did should be a warning for Schäuble and Europe: the economy in East Germany completely broke down Continue reading...