
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Why the eurozone crisis is just part of our long struggle for peace

After two world wars, a mere currency must not be allowed to derail a grand European project that has been decades in the makingThe seemingly endless eurozone crisis is coming to a head, but it won’t be completely over in the near future. In the meantime, it has unquestionably precipitated the most serious challenge to the idea of a unified Europe since the Second World War. The common currency, which was dreamed up to drive integration forward, has become a source of strain that threatens to tear apart the eurogroup and mortally weaken the EU itself. It is therefore not surprising that many people see this – for good or bad – as an existential struggle for the soul of Europe.Whatever happens with Greece, the way its debt has been fought over during the past five years has revealed the shallowness of any sense of political solidarity across the continent and the limited legitimacy of the EU’s political institutions. The Greeks complain about German meanness, the Germans about Greek profligacy; the French and Italians are driven by the worry that if Greece goes they may be next; while across eastern Europe people are asking why their money should go to prop up a standard of living in Athens that remains several notches higher than their own. Continue reading...