
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Varoufakis on Referendum Result: “Greeks Returned Ultimatum to Creditors

“The ultimatum has been returned to to the creditors,” noted Yanis Varoufakis on Sunday night from Athens after the official results of the Greek Referendum showed that most Greeks say no to a previous take-it-or-leave-it proposal offered to the creditors. “Today’s no is a big yes to a democratic Europe,” said a smiling Varoufakis. After the landslide win of the NO vote he supported, Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said that tonight Greece put an end to 5 years of bad medicine. Varoufakis said that creditors wrongly believed that the bankruptcy of the Greek state could be averted with new loans the poor would have to pay. “We said no to new loans unless we have restructured our old ones,” however Varoufakis said that he fully supports real reforms that kill corruption. The end of austerity and the restructure of Greece’s debt was always a discussion creditors did not want to have, but now they will have to negotiate based on the NO vote win. Even under the fear that was spread through the “mass media of oligarchy” and with Greek banks closed in absence of ECB liquidity,  Varoufakis noted that the vast majority of Greeks still said a big NO to the creditors previous proposal. “We are ready to sit on the negotiations table and we are looking forward to hold discussions with the ECB who kept a neutral position, the IMF that agrees with our position of debt restructuring and the European Commission that could play a positive role for Greece.