
Friday, July 3, 2015

Tsipras is going to speak to the world again

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is set to give another speech live on state TV shortly, Reuters reports. Greece goes to the polls on Sunday July 5 to vote on whether to accept the Eurogroup's current bailout proposals — and the austerity measures that go with it. Tsipras has already given one address on state TV this week, calling for Greeks to vote "No" in the referendum. Our reporter Mike Bird, who's on the ground in Greece, says Tsipras is also set to give a speech at the "No" campaign's rally in Syntagma Square in Athens tonight. Already people handing out leaflets/setting up stalls in Syntagma now, 5hrs ahead of the rally and Tsipras' speech. Will be mahoosive. — Mike Bird (@Birdyword) July 3, 2015 Keep checking back, we'll update this post as we hear more.Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: Here's how Cristiano Ronaldo spends his money