
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tsipras defends Greek bailout deal in showdown with party rebels – business live

Greek prime minister calls for emergency party congress in SeptemberSpanish economy grows 1% in second quarterSurprise rise in German unemploymentEuropean stock markets buoyed by higher corporate profitsEnergy giants Royal Dutch Shell and Centrica to slash more than 12,000 jobs in avalanche of corporate news 11.43am BST For the back story, it is worth reading the New Yorker’s excellent profile of the flamboyant former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, entitled The Greek Warrior. 11.37am BST Just to clarify: the Greek prime minister proposed to Syriza’s central committee to hold an emergency party congress in September, and warned against deepening internal divisions by trying to decide the party’s strategy in a hurry. But he also raised the possibility of holding an internal ballot on Greece’s bailout deal on Sunday. Continue reading...