
Monday, July 13, 2015

#ThisIsACoup: how a hashtag born in Barcelona spread across globe

Twitter hashtag trending globally as activists show support for ‘democratic will of Greek people in the face of extortion by the Eurogroup’The call went out on Sunday afternoon. “Hi guys, this is an important message about Greece,” wrote an activist named Francesca in a text message to 40 people, including members of Spain’s Indignado movement and the leftist coalition party Barcelona en Comú. “These guys meeting now in the Eurogroup, they all have twitter handles, they deserve to be told by the world to do a deal with Tsipras and stop trying to overthrow him,” she added.“#ThisIsACoup ... expressed a common sense of impotence of citizens in the face of globalised financial powersGrecia quiere estar en Europa, quiere pagar deuda y negociar. Pero quiere tb respeto, democracia y DDHH. Yo estoy con Grecia #thisIsACoup Continue reading...