
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

There's chaos in Athens ahead of a parliament vote on Greece's latest bailout package (GREK, EUR)

It's getting chaotic in Athens. On Wednesday, Greece's parliament will vote on whether to accept a new bailout from its European creditors, which comes with the condition that the country implement strict austerity measures. The debate starts at 10 p.m. Athens time (3 p.m. ET.) Ahead of the session, protesters have gathered in the central Syntagma Square, and things are heating up. CNBC's Katie Slaman posted the clip below, which shows something like molotov cocktails being thrown.  In an earlier tweet, she noted that there was heightened security ahead of the rally and vote. And we still have a long way to go before any word on parliament's vote.  But worth keeping in mind that Greece's parliament is voting on a package of bailout measures that is worse than what Greek voters rejected in a referendum a little over a week ago.  Clashes in Syntagma Square #athens — Katie Slaman (@katieslaman) July 15, 2015  Germany's Ruptly TV is streaming a live feed of the protests here.SEE ALSO: Greece's bailout will fail Join the conversation about this story »