
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Way Forward for Europe

eu_flag.jpg Home Page News Page German Finance Minister Schaeuble claims that he raised the possibility of a Greek exit to push for an alternative, and he did so with backing of the Merkel government.  He used the threat of a violating the "irreversible clause" of the EMU Treaty as a cudgel to beat Greek Prime Minister Tsipras into submission.  German Finance Minister Schaeuble claims that he raised the possibility of a Greek exit to push for an alternative, and he did so with backing of the Merkel government.  He used the threat of a violating the "irreversible clause" of the EMU Treaty as a cudgel to beat Greek Prime Minister Tsipras into submission. German Finance Minister Schaeuble claims that he raised the possibility of a Greek exit to push for an alternative, and he did so with backing of the Merkel government.  He used the threat of a violating the "irreversible clause" of the EMU Treaty as a cudgel to beat Greek Prime Minister Tsipras into submission.  It appeared to work.  Tsipras has not only agreed to all the terms he previously called "blackmail", but he agreed to essentially implement all the earlier agreements since the crisis began and more. read more