
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Syriza Government's Tough Decisions

greece_flag.jpg Home Page News Page The train to a better destination has already left the Greek station.  It can no longer get there from here.  What is at stake now is the kind of pain Greece prefers to bear. Is it the kind of pain and humiliation that comes from succumbing to the demands of its creditors for more austerity? Alternatively, is it the pain associated with a retching of the social fabric amid a further lurch lower in the economy and an additional rise in unemployment? The train to a better destination has already left the Greek station.  It can no longer get there from here.  What is at stake now is the kind of pain Greece prefers to bear. Is it the kind of pain and humiliation that comes from succumbing to the demands of its creditors for more austerity? Alternatively, is it the pain associated with a retching of the social fabric amid a further lurch lower in the economy and an additional rise in unemployment? The train to a better destination has already left the Greek station.  It can no longer get there from here.  What is at stake now is the kind of pain Greece prefers to bear. Is it the kind of pain and humiliation that comes from succumbing to the demands of its creditors for more austerity? Alternatively, is it the pain associated with a retching of the social fabric amid a further lurch lower in the economy and an additional rise in unemployment? read more