
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Guardian view on the Greek crisis: time for the French connection

The impasse between Athens and Berlin demands an active mediator. Step forward François HollandeThe Greek crisis has reached a point where a mediator could play a crucial role. Eurozone leaders are gathering yet again for an 11th-hour attempt at compromise. This may offer a fresh chance for dialogue and open consultation, but it risks falling short of the kind of hands-on effort that is needed when the task is to steer both sides away from a hugely damaging impasse.Throughout the crisis there has been the clear possibility of an ultimate clash between, on the one side, Greece’s Syriza government and, on the other, the Brussels institutions – with Germany looming in the background. Intractable conflicts of this kind frequently need an even-handed mediator who addresses complaints, weighs the odds and options, and proposes terms on which adversaries might be persuaded and pressured into agreement. Continue reading...