
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Syriza has failed to achieve a deal for Greece. How much does Tsipras want it?

Despite Alexis Tsipras’ rhetoric on social justice, the Marxist leader appears more intent on consolidating power than delivering a deal“You tell me if there is any other country in Europe where they close the banks for a week and 61% of the people still say no?” This question was posed with immense pride by a schoolteacher as she wandered through the crowds celebrating in central Athens in the early hours of Monday morning. Tired from supporting her husband, laid off from the state broadcaster three years ago and their daughter on a single wage, she was exultant.Certainly, it is hard to think of any other nation that faced with the collapse of its banks and empty supermarket shelves would place its trust in a 40-year-old with a gift for demagoguery but most of whose promises have proven empty. Continue reading...