
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

REPORT: Greece turned up empty-handed to emergency bailout talks

Greece reportedly turned up to today's emergency meeting with its creditors without any plans as to how to bail itself out — despite promising to do so. Eleni Varvitsiotis, EU correspondent for Greek newspaper Kathimerini, tweeted that the Greek party turned up without proposals and instead plans to put them to the Eurogroup, its creditors, tomorrow. Acc to info:Greeks came without proposals.Tomorrow will submit new request and proposals.#Eurogroup — Eleni Varvitsiotis (@Elbarbie) July 7, 2015 Both Germany and France said Monday that there could be no negotiations until Greece had made counter proposals on a bailout deal. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras later called German Chancellor Angela Merkel and promised to bring a fresh offer to the talks, according to Reuters. The Greek people resoundingly rejected the last bailout deal offered by Greece's creditors in a referendum on Sunday. But Greece has had less than 48 hours to draw up plans of its own and has also had to appoint a new Finance Minister after the surprise exit of Yanis Varoufakis.Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: This is the hardest part about being President Obama's personal chef