
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Postcard from Patmos: ‘Come to Greece on holiday and don’t be afraid’

Most tourists who visit beautiful, unspoilt Patmos come back year after year. And they are still coming, for this is an island seemingly immune to the economic crisis, as Matthew Kneale discovered on holiday this weekIn Patmos you would hardly know there was a crisis. Everything seems just as normal. I have been here for four days with my family, and my Canadian in-laws, and we’ve all had a wonderful time, delighting in the beauty of the island, the delicious food and the warm welcome we’ve received. There are no shortages of fuel, food or anything else. Restaurants are full. The Patmos Hoteliers Association reports that a total of only 50 nights have been cancelled. If anything, locals report that tourist numbers are higher than last year. Related: Greek island holiday guide: the Dodecanese Related: Want to help Greece? Go there on holiday Related: Greek crisis: EC president Tusk calls for debt relief plan - live updates Continue reading...