
Monday, July 6, 2015

Mr Tsipras, we need to rebuild trust before we can talk

The prime minister of Greece needs to part with a style that has undermined the credibility of his leadership: only then can new negotiations with the EU beginIn the course of the past six months the Syriza government has done everything to plunge Greece from its path of recovery back into a crisis that leaves its people in a precarious humanitarian situation and alienated its partners in the eurozone.Contrary to the claims of Alexis Tsipras and his party, the current challenge is not about austerity. It is about restoring Greece’s economic competitiveness through much-needed structural reforms. The Greek economy is in free fall, Greece lacks the political and administrative structures of a modern state, and nepotism and corruption are widespread.The countries of the eurozone are willing to support Greece, but there will be no new relief without structural reformsThe 18 other democracies of the eurozone will each have to decide how much can be asked of their populations Continue reading...