
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Map: which countries are the worst for human trafficking?

The US Department of State released its 2015 report into human trafficking on Monday.The map below shows the ratings of countries around the world according to the US. For a country to make it into tier one it has to comply fully with the US trafficking victim protection act’s minimum standards. Some EU countries such as Greece, Lithuania and Cyprus remain in the second tier while Belarus was downgraded to tier three – the category reserved for the worst offenders.Cuba and Malaysia were upgraded to the tier two ‘watchlist’, which is for those trying to improve but the US still has significant concerns about. Melysa Sperber, director of the Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking, was among those accusing the state department of ‘political decisions’ with this year’s report in the light of the recent opening of diplomatic and trade links with Cuba. Continue reading...