
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Majority of SYRIZA Central Committee Denounces Bailout Deal

The SYRIZA party is facing a growing internal strife. While the Greek parliament, convenes later in the day to vote on the provisional bailout deal that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras agreed to with international creditors in Brussels, his SYRIZA party appears clearly divided on the matter. On Wednesday, after Alternate Finance Minister Nadia Valavani resigned from her post, 109 members — out of the 201 –of SYRIZA’s Central Committee signed a joint announcement denouncing the prime minister’ provisional deal, which they labeled as a “coup.” “The agreement with the institutions was the result of a threat of an immediate financial strangling and is a new memorandum, with unbearable and humiliating conditions of oversight, which is catastrophic for the country and our people,” the announcement reads. The signees of the announcement demand a Central Committee meeting immediately and call on the party’s members and its lawmakers to protect it. “This deal is not compatible with left values and ideals, and especially with the needs of the people,” the announcement states. ”This deal cannot be accepted by the people and by the officials of SYRIZA.” A number of SYRIZA lawmakers have already made their intent to vote against the deal known. While the exact number of dissidents is still unknown, until Tuesday they were estimated to be somewhere around 30.