
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How The BRICS Bank And AIIB Made Grexit (And Frexit?) Possible

Source: - Wednesday, July 15, 2015   Don't get stuck with your assets in a government-controlled bank like what happened in Greece --     Click for original post: How The BRICS Bank And AIIB Made Grexit (And Frexit?) Possible         Over the past few days and (to a lesser extent) past few months, we have witnessed a remarkable series of events. First, we had a member (i.e. victim) of the corrupt European Union stand up to the bullies of the Troika, and say “no.” No, to more extortion. No, to more economic rape (via enslavement to debt). No, to the continuing/worsening infringement on its sovereignty.   Obviously that nation was Greece, a nation which everyone, including the new government of Greece, agrees is bankrupt. In the world of commerce, there is only one “solution” to bankruptcy: reduce the debt, if not eliminate it, completely. The corrupt EU, European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund have absolutely refused to consider any reduction in Greece’s debt-load. In other words, they have absolutely refused to consider helping Greece. Instead, this diabolical political/economic cabal dictated an ultimatum.   It demanded that Greece take on more debt, harming that economy even further under the weight of the additional interest payments on that debt, when it is already impossible for Greece to pay the interest on its current debt. And, as a “condition” for burying Greece under more, punitive debtAll Related