
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Hot buses, cold moons and a Greek pronunciation that Styx in the throat

The vanity bus commissioned by London mayor Boris Johnson has more than electrical problems (Boris buses ‘running on diesel’ due to battery fault, 20 July). This new bus was designed with no windows that open and no air conditioning. This means that on warm days they become ovens, especially on sunny days. One of these days someone will pass out from the heat on the bus and someone might even die. I had to get off one the other day to avoid collapsing from the intense heat.Martha Jean BakerLondon• When and how did astronomers (After years of waiting, little Pluto finally has its close-up, 16 July) decide that Pluto’s orbital companion isn’t the ferryman of the Styx, Charon, pronounced Kairon, but an Essex girl called Sharon? What are the chances of getting the Hadean boatman back?Tim EvansLondon Continue reading...