
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hedge funds see more demand fuelled by solid first half returns

By Svea Herbst-Bayliss and Nishant Kumar BOSTON/LONDON (Reuters) - Hedge funds will likely attract billions of dollars in new money in the next six months after posting solid returns in the first half even as Wall Street's sell-off, sparked by Greece's debt drama, took a bite out of some managers' June returns. Hedge funds that bet mainly on stocks could take in as much as $14 billion (9 billion pounds) in fresh cash in the second half, roughly double what came in during the first five months of the year, according to forecasts from industry research firm eVestment. "There are a lot of assets in play and what is driving these flows to hedge funds is a redistribution away from traditional exposures," said Peter Laurelli, eVestment's head of research.