
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Greek Govt Sources: Tsipras Will Not Step Down

These have been a tough two days for Greece’s SYRIZA party and the Tsipras administration. At least 30 SYRIZA lawmakers have stated their intent to turn down the deal Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras made with international creditors on Monday morning. Though the package is likely to be approved as it has the support of New Democracy and “To Potami,” the mutiny within SYRIZA raises questions about whether this SYRIZA-ANEL coalition will survive the cracks. Despite the fragile situation, government sources claim Tsipras has no intention of stepping down from his post after the Greek Parliament votes on the deal on Wednesday evening. Rumours had surfaced that Tsipras was going to resign following the vote. Government sources now say that that the Prime Minister finds such a move unethical and feels obliged to carry out his duties. Economy, Infrastructure, Tourism and Shipping Minister Giorgos Stathakis said in interview on Tuesday that any cabinet reshuffling would happen after parliament votes on Wednesday, though he did admit he would not be surprised if it happened before that. The new administration after any reshuffling will still be a SYRIZA-ANEL coalition.