
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Greece to fall deeper into recession as bailout moves closer

Rolling coverage of the Greek debt crisis, the world economy and the financial markets, after Athens takes another step towards a third bailoutGreece to shrink by 2.5% this yearStock market won’t open this weekEurozone consumer confidence hit by Grexit talkBundesbank says debt relief possibleSee who rebelled last nightIntroduction: Athens closer to third bailoutHere’s how the action unfolded overnight 7.13pm BST No point staying up until 3am with this blog, I think. Let’s have a closing summary.Greece took a step closer to a third bailout early this morning, after MP voted to accept legal and banking sector reforms at a late-night session in Athens.While there is no breakdown available yet of Eurozone consumer confidence in July, it looks highly probable that the heightened crisis in Greece contributed to reduced perceptions of the economic outlook.This was certainly true of both Belgium (especially) and the Netherlands, where confidence weakened. 6.57pm BST Greece’s largest opposition party, New Democracy, has decided to keep its current interim leader, Evangelos Meimarakis, in place until next spring.New Democracy decides Meimarakis will remain as leader until spring 2016, reports @geoterzis. 62 of 76 ND MPs had asked for this #Greece Continue reading...