
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Fin Min Varoufakis: “I Will Resign if Greeks Vote ‘Yes’ to Agreement”

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said that he will resign if there is a “yes” vote in Sunday’s referendum over creditors’ proposals to Greece. Varoufakis spoke on Bloomberg television and when asked if he will remain Greece’s finance minister in case Greeks vote “yes” in the referendum, he replied: “I will not.” He also said that other ministers will refuse to sign a bad deal and there will be a government reshuffle. Varoufakis also claimed that Greece was being treated by European creditors as a “debt colony” that doesn’t have rights. The Greek minister also said that he wouldn’t sign any deal with creditors that would not include assurance of restructuring of the sovereign debt. “I’d rather have my hand cut off than sign a deal that will not include debt restructuring,” he said characteristically. In case Greeks vote “no”, then Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and he will be around on Monday “to forge a mutually beneficial agreement with the rest of Europe.” On a personal level, Varoufakis said that neither he nor his wife had stood in line at a bank ATM in the last few days. He said that he doesn’t have time for that because he goes from one political meeting to another, and also it would be inappropriate for him as finance minister.