
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

EU Economics Commissioner: Up to Greece to Have Deal by Sunday

European Union Economics Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said it is up to Greece to find new ways to solve the country’s debt crisis and that a deal is possible by Sunday. Eurozone member countries have given Greece until the end of the week to come up with new, comprehensive proposals in return for a new bailout program that would help the country avoid bankruptcy and an inevitable exit from the common currency bloc. “The ball is clearly in Greece’s camp,” Moscovici said on France 2 television on Wednesday. “By Sunday, a solution needs to be found, I think it can be” he added. Moscovici also said that “the Commission door is open for Greece and that France and Germany have a “common approach” towards Greece. “There are differences (…) but also the feeling that if France and Germany don’t move forward together, nothing happens,” he said.