
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Clashes between Protesters and Police Raise Turmoil in Athens

There have been clashes between protesters and police officers in Athens during the protests on account of the proposed referendum in Greece. Close to 25,000 supporters and another 20,000 opponents to the current Tsipras government gather on two different meetings in the Greek capital. The government supporters who will say ‘’no’’ to the austerity measures gathered on the main square while the opponents of the ruling SYRIZA party marched together close to the ancient stadium Kalimamaro. In the very beginning of the demonstration, government supporters started throwing stones at the other group of people. As a result the police responded with shock grenades. One of the protesters was arrested. Alexis Tsipras himself came out in front of the protestors, as well as other representatives of the Spanish and German leftist parties. Tsipras urged the Greek nation once more to vote with ‘’no’’ on the upcoming referendum and not to ‘’submit to Europe’s blackmail’’.