
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Young Greek radicals don’t just want power – they want to remake the world

For the new generation of voters, identity and integrity has replaced ideology. So far, they have deferred to the old institutions – but soon they will have to invent new onesAt some point, as the Greek crisis lurches to its crescendo, Syriza – the radical left party – will call a meeting of something called a central committee. The term sounds quaint to 21st-century ears: the committee is so big that it has to meet in a cinema. You will not be surprised to learn that the predominant hair colour is grey.These are people who were underground activists in a military dictatorship; some served jail time, and in 1973 many were among the students who defied tanks and destroyed a junta. But they think, speak and act in a way shaped by the hierarchies and power concepts of 50 years ago. Continue reading...