
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

White House Urges Greece and Lenders to Close Deal

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on Tuesday expressed his optimism that Greece and its creditors will reach a deal and market instability will be avoided. Asked on the course of the negotiations between Athens and the EU institutions, Earnest said that Washington is optimistic over a positive outcome because all partners participating in the negotiations are aware of the importance of reaching a deal. “We have clear positions, namely that the Greek people have faced prolonged difficulties and have taken difficult but important steps to pave the way for a sustainable economic recovery. The Greek government and its international partners need to work quickly to finalize a credible reform program that can lay the groundwork for long-term growth within the eurozone,” he underlined. Asked to comment on the U.S president’s statement last week that the Greek people will have to proceed to tougher policy choices and that the burden will be borne by the Greek government, Earnest replied that both sides should engage in talks that will lead to a compromise deal. “We have stressed the importance for the Greek government to move forward on critical structural reforms. And I know that this is what Greece’s creditors are waiting for. And I think, any final agreement will require a commitment on this basis. But ultimately this is something that all sides need to work on.” (Source: ANA-MPA)