
Friday, June 26, 2015

Wall Street traders are so tired of the Greece news they made up a new word to complain about it (GREK)

Wall Street is tired of the Greece drama.  And now, traders have come up with a new word to describe just how laboring following all of the "will they, won't they" headlines out really is: Gretigue.  In an afternoon email on Friday, Rich Barry at the NYSE wrote that Greitgue is simply defined as, "Fatigue of all things Greek." On Friday, the latest news out of Greece is that whether or not Greece will be able to pay the IMF on June 30 now hinges on the results of a Saturday meeting of European finance ministers.  That meeting, and this weekend, is seen as actually the last time Greece will be able to make a deal. And as Business Insider's Mike Bird reported on Friday, economists at no fewer than 6 Wall Street firms said that yes, this is really the last chance. Of course, we've heard that before. SEE ALSO: In one paragraph, here's what could happen — and what's at stake — as the never ending Greece negotiations finally wind down Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: 6 scientifically proven features men find attractive in women