
Monday, June 8, 2015

Viral Infographic on Ancient Greek Gods’ Family Tree

An infographic created by TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsTheBabyAteMyDingo and uploaded on, depicting the ancient Greek gods’ family tree, has gone viral. From Gaia to Kronos, Zeus and Athens, the infographic covers a large part of the genealogical tree. However, as the creator stressed, not all gods could be included. Ancient Greek theology was polytheistic, based on the assumption that there were many gods and goddesses. There was a hierarchy of deities, with Zeus, the king of gods, having a level of control over the others, although he was not omnipotent, while some deities had dominion over certain aspects of nature. Ancient Greeks attempted to explain various natural phenomena through the deities, for example thunder was Zeus’ expression of anger, while earthquakes where caused by Poseidon. The gods acted like humans, and had human vices. They would interact with humans, sometimes even spawning children with them.