
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Turkish Provocation in Andros Firing Range

On Tuesday evening, a Turkish interceptor ship entered Andros’ firing range, while the Greek Navy was performing an ongoing exercise. The Turkish ship crew claimed that “the firing range was not recognized” over the radio when a Greek frigate approached and asked it to be removed from the operating firing range, where shots were being fired and therefore the Greek side could not guarantee the safety of the Turkish vessel. According to the Greek Defense Ministry, while the Turkish ship pulled back at first, it then re-entered into Andros’ firing range. Later, the Greek frigate approached the Turkish interceptor ship, once again requesting it to leave the area, which is what happened eventually. Furthermore, the Turkish captain claimed that before his ship exited the area, it received fire which fell around 300 yards away from the vessel, a fact that has not yet been confirmed by the Greek authorities. Meanwhile, the Greek Defense Ministry has not yet issued an official announcement about the incidents. Today, the Greek Navy continued the exercise in Andros firing range, where the Greek Air Force started its own exercise, while the Turkish interceptor ship and two more vessels are located close to the area.