
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Turkish PM: ‘We Are Ready to Help Greece’

“We are ready to help Greece survive its economic crisis with cooperation in tourism, energy, trade,” Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said on Tuesday in Turkey’s capital, Ankara, announcing this way his country’s willingness to assist neighboring Greece get out of the financial turmoil that may lead it out of the eurozone and even the European Union. “We want Greece to be strong… Therefore Turkey will be positive toward any proposal for cooperation,” he commented, while he revealed that a Turkish delegation would soon travel to Greece to join a high-level cooperation meeting. As for Pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which is considered to be the Turkish equivalent of Alexis Tsipras‘ ruling party, it also seems to be supportive toward Greece: “We believe that apart from imposing austerity policies on peoples of Europe, there can be more reasonable agreements, which will be acceptable,” said its co-chairs. “We are together with the Greek people and their government in their struggle for justice, equality and democracy and against austerity,” is mentioned in HDP’s message of solidarity addressed to Greeks.