
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tsipras to meet Putin over bailout loan as fears of Greek exit from EU mount

Greek prime minister, who has criticised sanctions against Kremlin, will meet Russian leader amid speculation that Greece may leave both eurozone and EU Alexis Tsipras will travel to Russia again on Friday to meet Vladimir Putin as questions swirl over whether Moscow could extend credit lines to bail out the Greek prime minister’s embattled economy.Tsipras heads to Russia as fears grow that a Greek exit from both the eurozone and the European Union could be inevitable. The governor of Greece’s central bank, Yannis Stournaras, warned on Wednesday that his country was on the brink of an “uncontrollable crisis” and that failure to reach a deal would “lead initially to a Greek default and ultimately to the country’s exit from the euro area and – most likely – from the European Union”. Continue reading...